Elizabeth Behrens-Nagle
Founding Member and Historian of I Cantori di Carmel

"I have sung under the direction of Dr. Salvatore 'Sal' Ferrantelli as a first alto in I Cantori di Carmel for the past 33 years, since 1981. The length of time I have stuck with him is an indicator of the loyalty he inspires. He is extremely passionate about choral music and I have learned so much from him over the years. No note, phrase, dynamic, tone, nuance or pronunciation is too small not to be perfected. I have become a decent sight reader, learned to elongate vowels, pronounce all consonants and keep my Texas 'R's under control. I have traveled with him and I Cantori all over Eastern and Western Europe during the scope of our 7 European Concert Tours including the countries of Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Denmark, Hungary, Czech Republic, Italy, Sicily, Switzerland, Austria with Spain and Portugal planned for our 8th tour in 2016. We have sung in many languages including Czech, Polish, Finnish, Russian plus the usual German, French, Italian, Spanish and Olde English. We have sung in Europe’s finest cathedrals including the Cathedral of Santo Maria Del Fiore, the “Duomo”, in Florence (my favorite), Basilica S. Maria Gloriosa dei Frari in Venice, Notre Dame in Paris, Chartres Cathedral and Strasbourg Cathedral in France, Matthias Church in Budapest, St. Peters Basilica in Vatican City and even the Wielixzka Salt Mine Cathedral outside of Krakow, Poland. In each country he shows his respect by learning how to introduce I Cantori in their language. He has gotten some assistance from chorus members and others on his Polish, Russian, etc and without exception our audiences have complimented him on his proper pronunciation of their language. Did I forget to mention his sense of humor? Putting himself through graduate school playing piano in pizza parlors coupled with his “playing by ear” ability he often entertains us by injecting impromptu moments of piano and vocal Broadway musical tunes, often with the words changed to fit the moments occasion or piano phrases from any of the great masters. It continues to be a joy to sing under his direction and I hope I have many more years of doing so."