Gretchen Taylor
A huge fan and close colleague, Concertmaster of the Monterey Peninsula College Chamber Ensemble,
Member of I Cantori di Carmel
Member of I Cantori di Carmel

"The Muses have found an exceptional ambassador and purveyor of fine quality music in Dr. Sal Ferrantelli of the Monterey Peninsula on the Central Coast of California. We musicians who have learned from and worked closely with Sal consider him a real gift. Performance Arts does not present medals of honor. However, if it did, I would personally pin such a tribute on his chest.
I have performed many times under the direction of Dr. Ferrantelli, both as a singer in I Cantori di Carmel and as a violinist with the Monterey Peninsula College Chamber Ensemble. I so appreciate his essential caring and connection to his musicians. It takes a special knack for even an established, accomplished conductor to deeply move a student or listener to a meaningful mood and interpretation of a score. Sal has this! He gives his all, teaching with energy, knowledge and a unique sense of humor – primarily about himself. To his credit, he then kindly insists on everyone’s finest performance! How often can we truly say, “What a lifetime treat it is” to work with someone like Sal!
A great part of Sal’s essence and contribution over the years, has been his utterly beautiful choral compositions. I feel they must be published. They are well known among choral lovers here, but have not been promoted elsewhere, to my knowledge. Something about his music enables me to really love his sounds on first hearing. His melodic lines move me, coming through rich fabric. The hints of dissonance never diminish pleasing chord changes and over-laps. Sal’s music is an unusual blend of the classical styles and the contemporary. His subject matter ranges from sacred to romantic. And, most of all, there is a piece of Sal in each piece. Sometimes a bit shy, sometimes very intense, and always sincere."
I have performed many times under the direction of Dr. Ferrantelli, both as a singer in I Cantori di Carmel and as a violinist with the Monterey Peninsula College Chamber Ensemble. I so appreciate his essential caring and connection to his musicians. It takes a special knack for even an established, accomplished conductor to deeply move a student or listener to a meaningful mood and interpretation of a score. Sal has this! He gives his all, teaching with energy, knowledge and a unique sense of humor – primarily about himself. To his credit, he then kindly insists on everyone’s finest performance! How often can we truly say, “What a lifetime treat it is” to work with someone like Sal!
A great part of Sal’s essence and contribution over the years, has been his utterly beautiful choral compositions. I feel they must be published. They are well known among choral lovers here, but have not been promoted elsewhere, to my knowledge. Something about his music enables me to really love his sounds on first hearing. His melodic lines move me, coming through rich fabric. The hints of dissonance never diminish pleasing chord changes and over-laps. Sal’s music is an unusual blend of the classical styles and the contemporary. His subject matter ranges from sacred to romantic. And, most of all, there is a piece of Sal in each piece. Sometimes a bit shy, sometimes very intense, and always sincere."